If you are looking for budget accommodation in Istanbul, Turkey, the Hotel Emek will certainly be a great option. Located in the city centre, this hotel is close to transport amenities and it is easy to reach from the airport. Hotel Emek holds a privileged location in the centre of Istanbul, giving its guests the chance to visit the city's wonderful sites at their own pace. Close to the accommodation you will find the impressiveTopkapi palace and the amazing Grand Bazaar. Another must-see attraction among the city's historic monuments is the Blue Mosque.
Hotel Emek offers a range of services designed to make you feel at home. Among other amenities, the accommodation provides a free Internet Point, which can be used for a limited time, a terrace and a coffee-shop ideal to sit down and relax while having a coffee or a soft drink. A safe is available in the reception at no extra charge.
Emek Hotel features a total of 30 comfortable guest-rooms, equipped with all the services you need in order to have a pleasant stay. Among other in-room amenities, the hotel provides cable TV and telephone. All rooms also have central heating. Room-service is available on demand